Buxley's Geocaching Waypoint
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Help Support Buxley's Geocaching Waypoint

Buxley's Geocaching Waypoint simply cannot exist without your support. Since the Spring of 2001, this web site has grown from a couple of maps of California to well over a thousand maps covering the entire world. Unfortunately, the costs of providing this content has greatly increased during this time.

Many web sites rely on pop-up advertising and other annoying intrusions in order to pay their expenses. Worse yet, some web sites are now moving toward a "pay-per-use" model. We don't want to do that--ever!

How can you help?

By making a donation, you are helping us continue to provide the very best geocaching maps in the world. In addition, your donation helps us add both new maps and new features to this web site.

If you like the features our site provides and if you want more of them, please give us a hand by making a contribution. A donation of just $10 or $25 will be very gratefully received and will help go towards getting new features online. Just click on the PayPal Donate button to help us make Buxley's Geocaching Waypoint even better.

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Thank you for your help and support!


  Copyright © 2001-2016 by Ed Hall.
You are welcome to link to any of my pages from your web site but please do not place copies of this site's maps on your own web page. Geocache data has been gathered from geocaching.com, navicache.com, and other sources. We thank them all!

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