Geocache Density in the United States
as of 17 November 2016
There are currently 3,569 active geocaches hidden in the United States; 44.8% of the world's total. In some states the caches are, on average, packed more closely together than in others.
The states, in order of their density of geocaches, are as follows:
| State | Density (caches/10,000 sq. km.) | #caches | Area (sq. km.) |
1. | District of Columbia | 316.46 | 5 | 158 |
2. | Ohio | 41.66 | 446 | 107,045 |
3. | New York | 38.68 | 492 | 127,190 |
4. | South Carolina | 27.55 | 222 | 80,583 |
5. | New Jersey | 20.83 | 42 | 20,168 |
6. | Pennsylvania | 16.79 | 197 | 117,348 |
7. | Maryland | 11.44 | 31 | 27,091 |
8. | Connecticut | 9.23 | 12 | 12,997 |
9. | Illinois | 7.74 | 113 | 145,934 |
10. | Kentucky | 7.26 | 76 | 104,659 |
11. | Wisconsin | 7.01 | 102 | 145,436 |
12. | Minnesota | 6.72 | 147 | 218,601 |
13. | Massachusetts | 6.52 | 14 | 21,456 |
14. | Florida | 6.52 | 99 | 151,940 |
15. | California | 5.69 | 234 | 411,049 |
16. | Utah | 4.96 | 109 | 219,888 |
17. | Washington | 4.76 | 84 | 176,480 |
18. | Alabama | 4.63 | 62 | 133,916 |
19. | Virginia | 4.45 | 47 | 105,587 |
20. | West Virginia | 4.30 | 27 | 62,758 |
21. | Indiana | 4.16 | 39 | 93,719 |
22. | Texas | 4.15 | 287 | 691,030 |
23. | Hawaii | 3.58 | 6 | 16,760 |
24. | Michigan | 3.50 | 53 | 151,585 |
25. | North Carolina | 3.45 | 47 | 136,413 |
26. | New Hampshire | 3.33 | 8 | 24,033 |
27. | Rhode Island | 3.19 | 1 | 3,139 |
28. | Oregon | 3.10 | 78 | 251,419 |
29. | Tennessee | 2.66 | 29 | 109,153 |
30. | Oklahoma | 2.48 | 45 | 181,186 |
31. | Colorado | 2.41 | 65 | 269,596 |
32. | Louisiana | 2.34 | 29 | 123,678 |
33. | Arkansas | 2.25 | 31 | 137,754 |
34. | Georgia | 1.97 | 30 | 152,577 |
35. | Missouri | 1.88 | 34 | 180,515 |
36. | Idaho | 1.85 | 40 | 216,431 |
37. | Iowa | 1.78 | 26 | 145,752 |
38. | Vermont | 1.61 | 4 | 24,900 |
39. | Maine | 1.51 | 13 | 86,156 |
40. | Arizona | 1.29 | 38 | 295,260 |
41. | Nevada | 0.87 | 25 | 286,353 |
42. | Nebraska | 0.85 | 17 | 200,349 |
43. | Kansas | 0.84 | 18 | 213,097 |
44. | Mississippi | 0.65 | 8 | 123,515 |
45. | Wyoming | 0.32 | 8 | 253,325 |
46. | New Mexico | 0.29 | 9 | 314,926 |
47. | South Dakota | 0.20 | 4 | 199,730 |
48. | Montana | 0.18 | 7 | 380,849 |
49. | Alaska | 0.06 | 9 | 1,530,700 |
Cache density is defined as the average number of caches found in 10,000 square kilometers of area.
Keep in mind that the densities shown above may be slightly higher than the correct value because 1) some caches have been archived that I don't know about yet and 2) many geocaches are listed on more than one geocache hosting site. Either one of these things can slightly inflate the density statistics for a state.
Return to the main statistics page or click here to see the states in order of the number of geocaches they contain.